Friday, April 20, 2007

Business Meeting

"Hi its Mike from ChangeYourMobile" he said. "Is it still OK to meet at two?"
"That's fine" I said "Its in my diary. Do you know the way?"
"I'll just feed it into the SatNav - and hope it gets me there" he chuckled, "See you at two".
Oh my God - I thought. I don't know if I can cope with a cheery corporate man selling me mobile phone contracts. It seemed like a good idea at the time - when I volunteered to meet him - as the people in charge of the phone contracts at my work admitted to me that they didn't know much about them and couldn't answer my questions. Now I feared that the worlds we occupied would be too hard to bridge without me doing something foolish.
"Hi, I'm Mike" he said shaking my hand as I ushered him into the back office "You must be Baruch". I was surprised and slightly relieved to find him bald.
He asked me about the work we did and showed interest. He complimented us on our systems and told me "Off the record" that he couldn't understand why we were being offered such a good deal. He listened to my questions answering them with knowledge and patience. He tried to find more info for me by making a call. Whilst he was on hold he asked me about my plans for the weekend. He spoke with familiarity to the woman on the other end of the line and spelled out relevant postcodes using FOXTROT TANGO ALPHA etc. This was when I started to lose it and went out off the room to get a pen and quash a grin.
He insisted on me taking his card before he left. I glad I didn't read it there and then because I would have struggled to contain myself when I read under his name in brackets was his nickname (Mike the Mobile).


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