Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I went for a meal a few days ago with a group of men. I have been meeting with this group for many years. It was a good evening until the last few minutes. We asked for the bill. It came to a lot more than I had expected - but the bill was very difficult to read so we couldn't decifer it. My response - as well as that of one of the others - was to throw money at it. I dug in my pocket and put its whole contents into the saucer containing the bill. Another man tried to reason and negotiate who should pay what - according to what they had ordered. A third wanted to find out what exactly to bill meant and to work it out that way. I had thrown in money just to avoid all of this and I said so. I had had a few beers. Alfer a while someone said something urging us to get on with it as the waiters would get fed up with us. I said - in a voice intended only for my friends
"They think we're all cunts already - they've probably spat in our food".
The two friends opposite shushed me.
"Did I say that loud". I said. They said I did. I apologised and said that I doubted that they'd heard. Although I knew I was out of order I was immediately reacting to being dissaproved of. There was lots of awkwardness - both about the bill and my outburst.
The next morning I felt pissed off that we had been overcharged.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Blog Moment
"We sometimes talkto each other in the style of your blog," he said.
"You know - saying he said and she said..."
"That's nice", I said.
"I sometimes try to guess what will be the blog moment", he said.
We were doing a pub quiz together. It wasn't that hard and we won quite easily. There was a possible blogable moment when we were given the answer to the question "what number does the roman numeral M stand for. We waited smugly for him to say 1000. We knew we were right. We were on a roll and the guy on the next table kept accusing us of stealing the answers. Self effacingly we said that we didn't get out much.
Anyway - back to the answer. Unbelievably he said it was four. The outraged indignation of our team (Pimp my cat) and the other teams bounced around the room like a self assured bouncy ball. Eventually he accepted that his book was wrong.
I didn't think it was funny enough for a blog though.