Saturday, July 15, 2006

Mens talk
"Oh my god! Nikki's been evicted"
"What?", said friend one.
"Nikki on Big Brother's being evicted - I just got a text"
"You don't watch that rubbish do you - that really surprises me"
"Yes I do", I smiled.
"And you're a man too" he joked
"I have been described as a metrosexual".
"What's one of those?"
"I think its a modern man who sleeps with women but also uses moisturiser - thought I don't use moisturiser"
" I use moisturiser" interjected friend two.
"Why do you use that" said one. "Have you got bad skin or something?"
"I just use it because my girlfriend buys it and its there. I quite like the feel of it".
"Ya big poof!" I joked.
They laughed.


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