Friday, January 12, 2007

Customer Service
I'm boycotting Tescos at the moment. This is the third time in the twenty odd years that they have had a store at Eastville that I have done this. The first time - as I recall was as a protest against them cutting down trees to build their new store at Golden Hill. My only memory of any more active part in this protest was a day spent holding the ladders of people picketing up the trees. (I don't like heights!)

The second time - which come to think of it was probably the first - in fact they may have blended into one - was during the anti-apartheid campaign when Tesco's eastville refused to stop stocking South African produce.

Some time in the mid 90's I stopped being so concerned about the trees and with black majority rule in South Africa I was free to consume in the biggest, cheapest and best stocked local store. This went reasonably well until the last couple of years when either I have officially become a grumpy old man or Tescos has gone down the toilet.

I don't mind it when they move things around - that's a lie I fucking hate it - but I would put up with it if they had the decency to employ someone who knows where they have moved it to. The final straw was last monday when in a burst of new year healthyness I had a hankering for a packet of Rice Cakes. They weren't in the organic produce nor with the crackers. It was on the way home from work and I was knackered but having made the effort to go I wasn't leaving without my rice cakes. I marched to customer services.
"Can you tell me where the rice cakes are please?
"Aren't they over by the crisps?"
"I don't know - I couldn't find then there."
"I'll get someone to help you - (Over the tannoy) Grocery assistant to Customer services"
I waited 5 minutes wishing I hadn't bothered. I gave her a look. She looked back resigned and disempowered.
"Grocery assistant to Customer Services - Customer waiting"
10 minutes. I looked over again
"I don't think their coming" she said.
I stuffed my pockets with customer feedback forms and stormed towards the crisp section where to my surprize I found the rice cakes.
This week I found Morrisons very helpful.


At 12:20 PM, Blogger FBRAK said...

I have had similar problems with finding things in tescos, and with getting members of staff to show me where they are.


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