Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Weeksworth
On Saturday I went to the Chocolate Factory benefit in the Lego church. I drunk too much and encouraged my friend to heckle. We sang "Get back to Fishponds" to the tune of "This land is your land".

On Sunday I went shopping in Clarks Village in Street . In the evening I took my son to a quiz which wasn't there. Went to the pub and played pool instead. After beating him 4 times he said
"We've played quite a lot of pool".

On Monday I went to work. If anything significant or amusing happened - I've forgotten it already.

On Tuesday I went to the pub to play Table Tennis. That's interesting enough in itself - isn't it?

On Wednesday I went to a Slimming class for the first time. We all clapped when someone had lost weight. One man - when asked if he knew why his weight had stayed the same that week, replied
"I've been having some trouble going to the toilet".
Later I went to the Open Mic evening at the pub. I decided to play one of my own songs as well as two covers. Several people said that they liked my own song. What was wrong with the covers?

On Thursday my manager returned after 6 weeks away. He brought chocoalte which I couldn't eat. After work I watched Quadrophenia on DVD which I bought for £6 in Street. I saw it once before when I was 15 with Scum.

On Friday I put on the jeans I had bought in Street - size 36". They were too tight. I decided to wear them anyway in the hope that they would stretch. I was uncomfortable when I sat down.


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