As I don't believe in coincidence - the following were radnom occurences.
Random occurence 1:
Yesterday my son said
"I don't understand why people think its good luck when a bird poos on you - 'cos its not god luck to be covered in bird poo".
Later in the dayI was forced to pull the car over in alarm after some creature, presumably suffering from a form of ovine diarrhoea, made a large and noisy deposit on my windscreen.
"Why are you wiping it off?" said son "It's supposed to be good luck."
"Not if you can't see where your driving." said I.
Random occurence 2:
My friend mentioned having bumped into his ex near where I live. Later that day - she showed up at an event we were both at.
Random occurence 3:
Yesterday I was in the park with my som when i saw a woman with 3 dogs. One of the dogs was strapped into a wheel cart as it couldn't use its hind legs.
Today i saw the same woman get out of a car near Iceland.
What a lot of random occurences!