Saturday, August 11, 2007

Global Warming
(Its really stuffy in here - I expect thats what the problem is..)
Yesterday I got back from the hospital in Oswestry where I've been since monday. My son was having an operation there. It was a tough week for both of us. A strong reaction to the anaesthetic meant that wednesday seemed to go on for ever - both of us losing faith that the vomitting would ever stop. Thursday saw a remarkable turn around - with food being retained and the long journey to walking starting again with the first painful steps. I will share snippets as they come back to me.
(Don't you think he's a bit warm - take those blankets off)
Surgeon to son-
"How are you feeling today?"
"Not very good - I keep being sick"
"What's that you're watching?"
"Day After Tommorow - its about global warming and what will happen if we don't look after the planet..."
"I think I've seen some of it - its a bit gloomy don't you think - you shouldn't believe everything you here of the tv you know..."
(Shall I turn the fan on - then he'll feel better....)
"Did you know - that 600 years ago europe was really warm - they grew palm trees - nothing happened... far too gloomy" (Mutters as he walks off).
(Is there anything you need... shall I take that balnket off... you do look warm)


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