Sunday, January 27, 2008

We went to see some comedy last night at the Comedy Box. It's upstairs in a pub. She queued on the stairs while I went to the bar. The barmaid overlooked me for another man. I gave him a look.
"Had you been waiting", he said. "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault", I said. "She should have noticed me."
When he was paying he asked her to serve me next. I ordered two drinks (Non-alcoholic - its still January) and nodded to the man in appreciation as I passed him on the way to the stairs.
"Excuse me", I said to a couple who were blocking my way. "Can I get past to join someone I'm with?".
"We're wanting to meet someone too." said the woman
"Oh". I said
"You can go past". She said.
I came across my partner at the door to a large black room with tables, chairs and a stage. I had "Comedy Box" stamped on my hand and we were ushered to a table for two near the front but at the side.
"This is a bit near" I said, " We might get picked on".
"You sit here then", she said, pointing to the chair nearest the stage.

We spent some time just chatting and fiddling with the flyers on the table. It was hard to read them by candle light. I went to move the night-light candle nearer to her so she could read more easily and my hand knocked the pint glass over with three quarter of a pint of orange juice and lemonade in it. It went all over her leg.
"Oh shit", I said, "Shall I get some tissues?".
She nodded and I headed for where I thought the toilets were. I found the ladies but in my panic couldn't spot the gents. I stood , peering into a room that a man had come out of looking to see the sign of the door.
"This isn't the toilet", said a large man with a soft irish accent. "It's the dressing room. The toilet's round the corner. I follwed his directions and he came with me to make sure I had the right place.
As she mopped her leg I told her that the man who had shown me the toilet looked like the poster image of the comedian we were there to see.

After the first act I went to the loo. As I left the same man crossed my path into the toilet. When he came on the stage two minutes later I was knew I would like him.


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