Monday, November 20, 2006

Iris, Rose and Frank
I amused myself today with only 2 films. Less time with the hospital appointment and going to the doctors and getting signed off work for the rest of the week.
The first was called "Under the Skin" . It starred Samantha Morton(Iris) and Claire Rushbrook(Rose) as 2 sisters whose mother had died. They dealt with it in different ways - Rose by being prim and proper and Iris by sleeping with lots of blokes and generally going off the rails. Another fantastic performance by Morton. Honest and gritty.
Casting my eye along the video shelf I came accross Blue Velvet by David Lynch - a film I should have seen by now - but I haven't. I wasn't sure about it. Dennis Hopper was thoroughly terrifying as Frank Booth and it did keep me interested - but as often happens with Lynch - I lost the plot somewhere along the way.
I have no idea what excitement tommorow will bring.


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