Monday, March 24, 2008

So I thought my last entry might create the smallest smidgeon of on-line interest. Maybe a touch of self righteous indignation - a few recriminations - maybe just a tadge of idle curiosity - but clearly the great readership are turning their (his??) back on my gnawing.

I did however get three responses in other ways than the comments section of this blog. The first was in a text form a new friend of mine. We were trying to make arrangements to meet and she added "What do U mean by gnawing?" to the end of her message. I was chuffed that she'd read it. When we met I suggested she sign up for a blog so she can make comment. She said she might.

The third response was from a very old friend. He hadn't read the blog but I told him on a night out. He called me a "Fucking hypocrite". I didn't agree but never got the chance to make my point. I think its OK to change your mind about things.

The second was a text from my son saying "What meat did you eat?"


At 9:53 PM, Blogger andrewherring said...

i reckon it was pork scratchings.

and why not?

a nutritious non wasteful snack.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger baruch said...

Oy gevalt - I never have and never would - my mother would smell it from Wales. My ancestors would rise from their graves. Never I say...


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