Saturday, March 29, 2008

I went to see Cardiff City play last saturday with an old friend and his father. We've all gone down with cup fever - which is incurable. We went for a drink afterwards. By 11 o'clock I couldn't drink any more and could barely stand so I made my excuses. I crossed the road where a taxi was waiting. I had thought earlier in the evening that I would be cautious about crossing the road when leaving the pub - after all that has happened - but I wasn't.

I got in the taxi next to the driver and as he pulled off I felt quesy. I have never thrown up in a taxi and hoped not to start now. As we chatted I settled down. After telling him my mum's address he asked if I had gone to the school in that area. I had. So had he. He asked my age. I told him. He was that age too. I asked his name. At first I was confused as I had a friend at school with the same name and it certainly wasn't him. Then I remembered him. At school his surname had been prefixed by "Fatty". He didn't remember me.
"I used to be quite big when I was at school," he said pointing to his belly as if it was small now.


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