Thursday, July 03, 2008

I watched Nadal beat Murray yesterday. It was hard not to be impressed by the sheer power of Nadal. The sound the ball makes when he hits it still comes to mind. Thud!

This evening I went to meet a neighbour of the block I manage at work. He was making a complaint. As I arrived I saw 4 youths hanging our outside the block - the sort of stuff the neighbours don't like. I went up to them
"I'm from the landlord's" I said. "Can you not hang outside the block please - we've had a lot of complaints". They were just about to move away when a large man appeared from behind me. He went up to the lad I was talking to and hit him. Thud! He hit him again and again saying - Why did you...
It wasn't me it wasn't me - said the lad.
I froze but noticing I had been ignored I walked to my car clutching my mobile phone. I turned around and saw the large man get back into the taxi he had arrived in.

I went to meet a friend to play table tennis. As I was locking my bike I overheard two 10 year old girls arguing about who was more "Emo".
"How can you be more Emo than me?
"I am - I wear black..."


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