Saturday, October 28, 2006

Football crowd banter that made me laugh
"Go on aren't you going to say it", said the grey haired man sat diagaonally in front on me turning his head to the balding man behind me.
"What?" said balding.
"Aren't you going to say your phrase? repeated grey.
Balding man behind me was one of those men in the football crowd who held court all the way through the game. He commented loudly on everything - sometimes wittily - sometimes he was just crass. Everyone knew him by name and all the conversations in the 20 person circle around him went through him. He annoyed me by asking me not to lean forward and calling me mate.
He remembered his phrase and sang loudly "We don't score from corners".
Others laughed and repated the chant.
Cardiff took the corner.
We scored.
"We don't score from corners" he sang again.


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