Thursday, November 02, 2006

Suspicious (I wrote this last night)
I went to the doctor a few weeks ago about a few things. One of them was mole. My partner has been nagging me to go for a couple of years now because I complain of it itching. I eventually went because I kept having bugs and my manager thought I should get it checked out. The doctor was very nice. He's been my GP for 20 years and said that as I hardly ever came to see him he would be overly cautious. he sent me for a chest x-ray and blood test and said that he would take a biopsy of my mole for examination.

I hadn't heard anything till tonight. I got home late after meeting my partner for a coffee after work. She's gone to her french class. I'm going for a couple of pints later. There was a letter which I opened nonchanantly while the cats cried to be fed. The word "suspicious" knocked me dead.

"Biopsy examination is suspicious and required urgent further assessment."

I fed the cats. Then I sat down and phoned my partner. She said she's come to the doctor with me in the morning. I felt guilty for phoning her. I checked the voice mail. There was a message form my doctor asking me to call him in the morning. I remembered my packet of chips and veggie burger going cold on the kitchen counter. I turned on the Simpsons and ate them (chips not Simpsons) - my thoughts projecting into the future.

I decided not to phone my mother. I was glad my son wasn't on MSN as I would have had to lie to him too. I checked my emails. I looked at the blogs of my friends and then checked back through my own to see if I had mentioed the biopsy. I noticed another local blogger had left a comment and linked her blog to mine. I looked at hers briefly and left a polite message but didn't feel able to read much of her blog.

I rushed to the toilet with diarrhoea.

Without much more thought I wrote this.


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Ladybristol said...

Hope all goes well for you.


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