Friday, March 02, 2007

Open Mic
So I ended up at the Chelsea again last night. I probably shouldn't have gone - and almost certainly shouldn't have played - being that I hadn't practiced and the atmosphere was drunken - bordering on hostile last time. But as usual I became a victim to my own ego and dragged my friend along there and allowed the charming host to charm me into getting up.
"There's always sapce for you", he said.
I should have got up straight away - it was noisy and no one was listening. My songs were quiet and wouldn't have disturbed them. But the host went upand wound them up a bit then put on this russian guy Igor. He was lively and they loved his russian singing. They're going to hate me I thought - better think of a joke to warm them up a bit.
"Hello" I said "That was great wasn't it", refering to the russian singer.
"Being from Cardiff I think its great that someone sung in Welsh on St Davids day".
"We'll that was Igor - and this is the Eagles" I said, "Strumming the first few chords of Desperado.
"That's not welsh its Bob Dylan" said a pissed woman.
I wish I's thought of saying "Its neither" but I fumbled on with the song, badly, as she ranted
"Get off Taffy" and other things I can't remember.
I stopped the song half way through as I kept messing it up.
My other two songs were OK.
People talked amongst themselves.


At 11:34 PM, Blogger alexhighrise said...

you old trooper you

At 8:17 AM, Blogger FBRAK said...

what a shame

At 11:03 AM, Blogger sb4444 said...

You're being too paranoid, you went down well.

Sorry about the rotten fruit by the way - it was just a bit of fun. I was definitely not involved with throwing the bottles and chairs.


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