Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Carbon neutral
My car was in the garage today so I had to suffer the dual indignity of cycling and public transport. I sat happily at the train station reading my book and feeling good about my environmental friendliness. I was also pleased about the long overdue workout my body was going to get. (I have had an unpleasant shock recently with a blood pressure machine - more of that another day.)

When train eventually arrived I got up with a woman I had been chatting to. She also had a bike and was going to cardiff. Thankfully she was more assertive with me as the conductor told us we couldn't put our bikes on the train as there were four already and they should only had two. I was about to turn around in dispair when the woman seemed to have persuaded him to let us on.

The other passengers seemed deeply put out by the inconcenience of having to share their train space with bikes. (I guessed this from their body language.) The conductor - who sounded dutch - though he had an english name - came across as a nice guy. Having said that he repeatedly reminded us that he was doing us a favour and that if someone complained because they had hurt themselves on a bike - it would be his job.

After lots of people got off at Filton it was quieter and he got round to asking for my fair.
"£2.20", he said. With slight embarassment I pulled out a tenner.
"You're a pain - you are." he said.
"You're very kind", I said as he counted out my change in 50's.


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